Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Guild leve quest screen shot update

First of all, sorry for the late update today.  I brought Avatar on Blu-Ray and I watched that before I turned my PC on!
I was planning to do a video update today but I seem to be having problems with uploading videos to YouTube so I have taken some screens of the video I would of done.  Hopefully YouTube will fix the problem by tomorrow (its just some sort of connection time-out problem) and I can upload the video then.
Anyway here are four screens from the video and they are quite interesting.

I find the second screen quite interesting.  After screen one where the quest has been selected, in screen two a quest difficulty box appears so you can select how many people are your team.  I would guess that the higher the difficulty, the better the reward for the quest.  Seeing this makes me think that the lessons from FFXI have been learnt and it looks like the game can be played with or without other players.  Something I think crippled FFXI for a large part.


  1. "Something I think crippled FFXI for a large part" Preach it, brotha! I agree wholeheartedly.

  2. YES! I'll be able to solo the danm game! YES! YES! YES!!
